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Individual Waste Profile Calculator

This tool helps individuals assess their waste habits and understand their waste profile through a series of questions.

Individual Waste Profile Calculator

1. How often do you bring your own bags for groceries and fruits and vegetable purchases?3Bringing reusable bags directly reduces single-use plastic waste, making it a high-impact behavior.
2. How often do you engage in online shopping including food orders?2Online shopping can contribute to packaging waste and emissions, but its impact may vary.
3. How often do you try to choose products with minimal, eco-friendly, or no packaging?4Choosing products with minimal packaging directly reduces waste and promotes sustainable consumption patterns. Assigning a higher weightage reflects its significant impact.
4. Do you carry your reusable containers and utensils like reusable water bottle, coffee mugs, straw?3Using reusable containers and utensils significantly reduces reliance on single-use items and promotes waste reduction.
5. How frequently do you decline single-use items like straws, plastic cutlery, and disposable water bottles whenever possible?4Refusing single-use items directly reduces waste generation and fosters sustainable alternatives. Assigning a higher weightage reflects its direct impact on waste reduction.
6. How often do you make conscious purchase decisions, buying only what is needed and avoiding impulse buys?2Making conscious purchase decisions minimizes overconsumption and waste, but its impact may be indirect.
7. How often do you reduce food waste through planning, storage, and composting food scraps?5Reducing food waste directly minimizes waste and promotes sustainable food practices, making it a crucial aspect of waste management.
8. How often do you opt for refillable options (e.g., shampoos, soaps)?3Choosing refillable options reduces packaging waste and supports a circular economy.
9. Have you switched to digital options (e.g., electronic bills, statements)?2Switching to digital options reduces paper consumption, but its impact may vary.
10. How often do you segregate waste at home for proper recycling and disposal?4Proper waste segregation promotes recycling and reduces landfill waste, making it a crucial aspect of waste management.