This section shows how annual and seasonal average temperatures in India have changed since 1901.

Data Source: IMD/OGD Platform India

The country’s meteorological department follows the international standard of four seasons with some local adjustments: winter (January and February), summer (March, April and May), Monsoon (rainy) season (June to September), and a post-monsoon period (October to December).

Average Summer Temperature in India [1901-2020]
Data Source: IMD/OGD Platform India

Average Monsoon Temperature in India [1901-2020]
Data Source: IMD/OGD Platform India
Average Post Monsoon Temperature in India [1901-2020]
Data Source: IMD/OGD Platform India
Average Winter Temperature in India [1901-2020]
Data Source: IMD/OGD Platform India

Key Points

  • Since 1901, the average surface temperature across the country has risen at an average rate of 0.13°C per decade. Average temperatures have risen more quickly since the mid 1990s (0.26 to 0.56°C per decade since 1995).
  • 2016 was the warmest year on record with mean annual temperature 26.45 °C, 2017 was the second-warmest, and 2011–2020 was the warmest decade on record since thermometer-based observations began.