The generation of energy using fossil fuels is accelerating climate change due to an increase in the concentrations of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. However, we can play our part in reducing the threat of climate change- by switching over to energy efficient appliances and conserving electricity.
This is what an energy audit is all about- an energy auditor identifies the sources of energy consumption in a home or building, analyses the energy use patterns, and comes up with recommendations to use energy more efficiently and various measures to save electricity.
Keeping these points in mind, the Government of India enforced Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE)- a government agency that provides certification to energy auditors.
Applicant must be a certified energy manager with passing marks in the “Energy Performance Assessment for Equipment and Utility Systems” exam, have a five years’ experience in energy audit and must possess a certificate of accreditation by the Bureau.
Documents Required
a) Five detailed energy audit reports in any Energy Intensive Industry
b) Feedback received from clients for the Audit reports (5 numbers).
c) Demand draft of one thousand rupees
d) A list of at least four up-to-date basic instruments possessed by the auditor/firm duly signed and stamped by the authorized officer .
e) Form III and Form IV (given in Annexure-II)
f) Copy of the Certificate for Energy Auditor.
g) Experience certificate of Minimum 5 years in the field of energy audit
h) Letter from the organization responsible for conducting energy audit
Fee Structure
A processing fee of Rs.1000 is payable by the applicant through a demand draft drawn in favour of The Bureau of Energy Efficiency.
Application Process
Fill Form I addressed to the Secretary of Bureau of Energy Efficiency, New Delhi.
Steps for filling the form:
- Give full address of your place of work as an energy auditor.
- Attach self-attested photocopies of the above mentioned documents.
- Fill the details regarding the work experience of five years.
- Mention the number and date of the Demand Draft for payment of application fee and the annual accreditation fee.
- Mention the date in the form.
- Mention place of work as an energy auditor.
- Sign the form and mention your name, designation and on whose behalf you are submitting.
Evaluation criteria
The Accreditation Advisory Committee constituted by the Bureau will evaluate the energy audit experience and competency of the energy auditor for the purpose of grant of certificate of accreditation based on an oral interview on the following criteria: –
a) Evaluation of five detailed energy audit reports.
b) The number of and the kind of Energy Intensive Industries where energy audits have been conducted.
c) The number of and kind of experts associated with the applicant.
d) Possession of at least four up-to-date basic instruments and expertise in using such instruments
e) The way the energy audit was conducted.
f) Training experience.
g) Quality of field studies including observations, probing skills, collection and generation of data, depth of technical knowledge and analytical abilities.
h) Quality of recommendations.
i) Capacity to perform cost benefit analysis of recommended measures
j) Quality of energy audit reports.
The Accreditation Advisory Committee shall make the recommendation to the Bureau for accreditation of energy auditor based on their evaluation.
If the recommendations are accepted by the Bureau, the applicant’s name will be entered in the list of accredited energy auditors.
After the applicant pays an annual accreditation fee of rupees one thousand rupees, he or she will then receive the certificate of accreditation.
The Bureau may reject or select the application for accreditation made by an energy auditor and communicate the same to him within a period of one month.
The applicant will have a time period of fifteen days for surrendering of the certificate of accreditation to the Bureau in case it is cancelled.
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